What’s in a McDonald’s hamburger?

Have you ever wondered what kind of beef McDonald’s uses in their hamburger? What about the “pink slime” that was all over the news? Also, what’s up with the McRib?

In an effort to become more transparent with their consumers and provide heath awareness, McDonald’s started a campaign called “Our food. Your questions.” Throughout the campaign, anyone can ask McDonald’s questions concerning their products and they will respond. There are already a bunch of informative YouTube videos online (hosted by Grant Imahara from Mythbusters), that answer the questions so far.

Check out this one about what kind of beef they use:

Do you have questions you would like to ask McDonald’s? Have other comments or concerns regarding their products? Visit their campaign website here:


OR feel free to contact us at Everything Burger and we will forward anything towards them! This is definitely a step in the right direction in spreading health awareness within the fast food industry. Campaigns like these should only help open dialogue between consumers and retailers to bolster the creation of healthier meal options.