Skull & Crossbones Burger Keychain

Via World Sports Daily News, this Skull & Crossbones Burger Keychain is a collaboration between two Japanese companies, mastermind Japan and The Great Burger, as a special edition item to commemorate their pop up burger shop that occurred in Tokyo from Jul 30th to Aug 1st.


Skull Appreciation Day

Today, June 4th, is the first annual Skull Appreciation Day.

Let’s celebrate here by taking a look back at the Burger365 “Skull Burger” with a couple of different photos.

The “Skull Burger” placed in the Top 10 of the Designers Skulls 2010 contest.

Also, be sure to check out the Skull Quilt swatch, which will be on display at Gallery5 in Richmond, Virginia with a bunch of other great skulls.

Burger365 for Skull Quilt Project

Here is my contribution to the Skull Quilt Project for Skull Appreciation Day mailed off today.  I reworked the image from the Burger365 – Oil Painting to include a human skull overlayed on top of the burger skull image. The finished quilts will be shown in a gallery with other skull artwork and sales will go towards a great charity. If you’re in Richmond from June 3rd to July 8th, be sure to check out the exhibition.

Skull Quilts.
curated by Skull-A-Day editor Abby Davis

These quilts will be auctioned off and all proceeds will be donated to DC charity Becky’s Fund, which helps survivors of domestic violence.

Burger #364 – Oil Painting

“That’s what a hamburger’s all about”

Based on an In-N-Out “Double Double”, here is an oil painting in the style of the classic “Skull & Crossbones” image. This is the first in a possible series of other fast food “Skull & Crossbones” designs. Only one “burger” left until the project is complete. Make sure you check back tomorrow and celebrate with me. ([])